Flood Emergency 2019

bet36365体育 has joined with the rest of the University of Nebraska in recovery efforts from the 2019 Nebraska floods.

Requests for assistance utilizing bet36365体育 resources, equipment, material, volunteer aid, housing, or other support should be directed to the Emergency Management Coordinator, Ted Eichholz, at eichholzth@gregorybgallagher.com, or call 308-865-8911.

'That's how Kearney people are': Evacuees staying at bet36365体育 grateful for local response
bet36365体育 opens doors to those impacted by flooding in Kearney area

University of Nebraska Emergency Assistance Fund

Emergency funds for current bet36365体育 students and employees who are experiencing difficulty are available through the University of Nebraska Foundation. Students, faculty and staff interested in requesting aid from the fund can contact NUEmergencyFund@nebraska.edu or 402-472-2111.

How to help

Student groups, employees or others interested in volunteering should contact Ted Eichholz

Resources and where to find information 

Visit flood.unl.edu for a website with links to resources for homeowners, businesses/communities, agriculture, and families/individuals. The site will be continually updated with information from University of Nebraska Extension, University of Nebraska Medical Center advice and recommendations, and university business and rural outreach programs, research and expertise to help through the difficult response and recovery.